
With my Sadhguru’s Divine Blessings and Grace

Sound & Frequency Healing

Handwriting Analysis

Grapho Therapy

Angel & Fairy Card Readings

Crystal Therapy

NLP and New Code NLP

Access Consciousness Bars

Reconnective Healing

My Life Path

The World is experiencing transformation now and moving towards “Light”. I choose to contribute to that Light. I choose to see and recognize that Light. I feel there is a greater purpose for my life.

My inner calling inspired me to work on my Soul purpose of Lighting up the Heart of individuals through the Spiritual ways of healing which began around 2007. I truly believe that Divinity has chosen me for this Energy Healing work. I am happy that this has given me the opportunity to help, heal and guide self as well as the people around me. I am just loving and enjoying it.

I started my journey with learning Counselling skills then Pranic Healing and working with Angels, Fairies and so on exploring different avenues of Energy Healing Modalities. My inner authority guided me on every step to move ahead towards “Light” with every experience of Darkness. Without Darkness there is no Light and vice –a-versa.

There is a divine spark of light within everyone of us we just need to recognize it. So Listen to your Heart.

I invite you all to take a step towards this transformation, connect with the Divine Source and start working on your Soul purpose.

Thank You All for visiting my page




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